A revenge drama story, that focuses on the life of an youngster, in a spree of taking revenge as wel... A revenge drama story, that focuses on the life of an youngster, in a spree of t...
This story is a continuation and sequel of my previous action-thriller stories Knight and NH-544 res... This story is a continuation and sequel of my previous action-thriller stories K...
Those armed men are wearing black suits and blue jeans. The youngest around 20 years of age in the h... Those armed men are wearing black suits and blue jeans. The youngest around 20 y...
This story is inspired from several true incidents, that occurred before few months ago. This story is inspired from several true incidents, that occurred before few mon...
I also realize that winning doesn't always mean getting first place. It means getting the best out o... I also realize that winning doesn't always mean getting first place. It means ge...
Jackie was the only son of the multimillionaire Maheshwari's. Jagat or Jackie as he was called was a... Jackie was the only son of the multimillionaire Maheshwari's. Jagat or Jackie as...